What is the best appliance for Sleep Apnoea and Snoring?
There are a number of excellent appliances, each with independent published studies that can be successfully used. There is currently no one appliance that is regarded as superior to any other - despite the claims by manufacturers. Each of these appliances have their own individual pros and cons.
Dental Sleep Lab only uses these state of the art appliances and can help with selection.
Dental Sleep Lab only uses these state of the art appliances and can help with selection.
What is the best material for oral appliances?
For mandibular advancement splints, hard composite materials lined with a more flexible thermoplastic material provides the ideal combination of strength, comfort and adjustability. Maximal strength is achieved when the material is pre-made for digital manufacture. Occlusal splints for bruxism are manufactured from the unique thermoplastic Clearsplint material, achieving unequaled fit, strength and ease of adjustment if the dentition changes.
How long do appliances last with daily use?
It is usual for appliances to last for many years – five or six and often many more. If the patient has bruxism the appliance can be increased in strength and still last for years, having the added benefit of protecting teeth and restorations.
Are CAD CAM appliances superior to manually made appliances?
The advantages of CAD design insures even thickness of the appliance resulting in a finer, stronger, better fitting case. The digital "wax up" enhances the technician’s capability of producing the best possible design, due to the accurate location of undercuts This is superior to any traditional method.
The materials used are of superior quality, resulting in patient’s enjoying a more comfortable fit and long lasting result.
The materials used are of superior quality, resulting in patient’s enjoying a more comfortable fit and long lasting result.
Are all the appliances manufactured in Australia?
Yes. Although most laboratories making sleep appliances send to laboratories overseas, we are committed to manufacture all appliances in-house in our laboratory in Canterbury, Melbourne. This ensures a high level of quality control, and for our clientele to receive the highest level of service.
We also employ our own drivers for the Metropolitan area for a more personalised and time efficient service. Feel free to call us to organise a tour of the facility.
We also employ our own drivers for the Metropolitan area for a more personalised and time efficient service. Feel free to call us to organise a tour of the facility.